White Gold

For thirty years, E.J. Kane exemplified perfection in law enforcement. But when he loses a son to the war on terror in Afghanistan, both his marriage and his career as a Texas Ranger are crushed. Incapable of acknowledging his daughter’s drug addiction, she ends up sex trafficked. His last chance job as head of security at an energy company pulls him into the romantic clutches of a ruthless businesswoman known as Widow Welchel. She allies with a sovereign citizen group stealing casinghead gas, also known as white gold.

E.J.’s ex-wife’s skill as an attorney reveals his lover, Widow Welchel, murdered those in her path to take over the giant energy company. The killer offers her dark web trafficking connections to locate E.J.’s daughter, but her help comes at great cost. She exacts a crippling promise.

E.J. may save his daughter, yet keeping his word sacrifices the personal code which has driven every part of his life. Can he hold fast to ancient notions of honor while using twenty-first century technology to end the killing and restore his family?
